About Me

My name is Mitchell Cohen and I am a high school student in the columbus region who has a passion for photography. Quarantine along with many other things was extremely boring. I filled a lot of my time up with photography. I started off with taking my pictures with my mom's Sony camera. I would spend hours just taking photos of things around my house and around the neighborhood. Later that year my parents bought me a Canon Eos Rebel T6 which is what I still use today on all of my photos. I have a couple lenses which include a telephoto lense (75-300mm) and a macro lense (18-55mm). Most of my photos are edited using Adobe Lightroom which I find incredibly easy to make an average picture worth-while. Sometimes I'll use Adobe Photoshop for fine tuning and removing unneeded elements of a photo. Along with being a photographer I also enjoy coding, which allowed me to conveniently make this website. If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to contact me for prints please email info@m2cphotography.com. Feel free to download any photos you would like, if you decide to use or edit any of my photos, I would appreciate if you could cite me using M2CPhotography. Thank you for taking the time to view my photography.